A political manifesto, leading to socialism, communism and the twentieth century conflicts between
capital and labour.
A philosophical approach to the social sciences, which focuses on the role of society in determining
human behaviour, based on concept of dialectical materialism.
Capitalism >>>>>>
Bourgoisie > Commodity > Proletariat
- Our society today, the modern west
- Control the means of production in private hands
* ' we are the consumers, they are the owners'
- Labour power is bought and sold
* ' people for profit '
- Production for commodities for sale
- Use of money / Means of exchange
- Competition / meritocracy
- Primitive Communism: as seen in cooperative tribal societies.
- Slave Society: develops when the tribe becomes a city-state. Birth of aristocracy.
- Feudalism: aristocracy becomes the ruling class. Merchants develop into capitalists.
- Capitalism: capitalists are the ruling class, who create and employ the real working classes.
- Socialism: (“Dictatorship of Proletariat"): workers gain class consciousness, overthrow the capitalists and take control over the state.
- Communism: a classless and stateless society.
forces of production - materials, tools, workers, skills, etc.
relations of production - employer/employee, class, master/slave, etc
social institutions - legal, political, cultural
forms of consciousness - ideology *
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