Tuesday 14 August 2012

Current Reading List

At the moment I am in the process of reading a number of different books, that are currently allowing myself to understand different aspects of the working class & methods of seeing. By doing this I am able to pull quotes, generate a knowledge base and further develop my own critical understanding of my chosen subject matter.


John Berger - About Looking
John Berger - Ways Of Seeing
Marx & Engles ( With and introduction by Gareth Stedman Jones ) - The Communist Manifesto
Sigmund Freud - Civilisation and Its Discontents


Although three of the titles above are not listed on my dissertation reading list, I have found it difficult to pull together some of the books I have needed for my dissertation studies. Saying that, with these I feel I can generate a greater understanding of particular subjects, whether relevant or not. And still further develop knowledge.

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